Rachael Yamagata (山形瑞秋) - 《Porch Songs》

  "These songs are almost like the past of a young self full of longing and pain. Just as you can see yourself in travel photographs from a long time ago, you are curious about who this person is, the look on their faces, the surroundings - it's all familiar, you know it's you, you're there, but you're an onlooker now. You can appreciate this experience with all your old friends with love. These songs have my favorite primitiveness and vulnerability, and my life has undergone dramatic changes over the past year, which has convinced me that I am on the cusp of a life change. I think I should release these songs before the end of this transition. They cover all aspects of the transition, but You can't tell what the end result will be - it's the emotion that makes me so fascinated by the change.
  - Rachael Yamagata

曲目 · · · · · ·
Be Somebody's Love (Solo)
Jungman's Theme (Paris)
Some Kind of Window
Falling Into You
Be Somebody's Love


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